Gluten-free options?

Below is a list of items that Liz has made with gluten-free flour, along with a note or two...

1. Pecan Snowballs turn out very thin and tender. The flavor is more like a pecan sandie. The cookie dough spreads a lot, so allow at least 1" between dough balls. Leave off the final coating of powder sugar. Use Cooqi flour, available in some coops in the Twin Cities. UPDATE Oct. 2013: Consider adding xantham gum to help hold the dough together!

2. Mandelbrot (cinnamon and sugar) turned out pretty well, with only a slight variation of texture. Liz thinks she used Bob's Red Mill gluten-free flour for this, but it could have been Cooqi.

3. Hamantaschen... Both Jeanne and a friend of ours, Ryan at PFund, thought these were better than the ones made with regular flour. Ryan said it was the closest thing to a "real pastry" that he'd ever had since he went gluten free. Use Cooqi flour.


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