Peter's (Yoknis) hot cocoa

Yoknis Hot Cocoa

Recipe by: Pete Ornatek's Mom, Mary Ornatek, passed down from her Mom, Anna Yoknis (Lithuanian)
Pete says, "Feel free to share this recipe."

4 servings (single serving in parentheses)

4 cups (1 cup) whole milk (NOT 2% or Skim)
3/4 cup (3/8 cup) heavy cream
1/2 cup (1/8 cup) Dutch-processed cocoa powder
1/4 cup + 2 Tablespoons (about 1+ Tbl) granulated white sugar


Gently mix the milk and heavy cream and stir in the cocoa and sugar.
Stir NOT whisk all ingredients, Gradually heating until sugar dissolves.

NEVER bring to a boil. Serve immediately.


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