Nana's Oatmeal Molasses Bread

From Megan Wright. Can be made into muffins too.


4 C boiling water
2 C quick oats
2t salt
2 packets yeast
3/4 C very warm water
1 C warm molasses
7-8 C all purpose flour


Boil water, add oats and salt. Stir and bring back to boil. Stir, cover, and remove from heat. Let stand until warm to the touch. Now it's ready to use in the bread.

Dissolve yeast in warm water, add to oatmeal with warm molasses. Stir until mixed. 

Mix in flour one cup at a time. Consistency of dough will be stiffer than batter but not as stiff as regular kneeded bread dough.

When dough is stiff, and very difficult to stir (by hand), set in a warm draft free place, covered in a dish towel. Let rise to top of bowl, stir down. 

Divide and place into well-greased loaf pans (this recipe makes three loaf pans plus maybe some muffins). Cover again with dish towel and let rise a second time in warm draft-free place.

Oven to 350. Place in oven for 30 minutes or until the top of bread is crusty. (35-40 minutes Megan's oven)

Remove immediately from bread pans and cool on a wire rack.


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