Hard Boiled Eggs

NOTE: This is Jeanne's preferred way for preparing hard boiled eggs. This information is different from Joy of Cooking and is included here to help poor ol' Liz remember how Jeanne likes her hard boiled eggs cooked!

1. In a small sauce pan, place eggs in water. Water should be high enough to cover eggs by an inch or so.

2. Set timer for 14 minutes when oven is turned on and bring water to a boil with saucepan covered.

3. If water boils over, okay to remove lid. Keep light on.

4. Near the end of the 14 minutes, prepare an ice bath in a medium bowl (depending on how many eggs you are cooking).

5. Remove eggs from hot water and shock in ice water to stop cooking. Leave in ice bath for 5-10 min.

6. Peel eggs by first applying firm pressure and rolling with palm of hand against hard surface (counter, kitchen sink).

Green ring indicates the eggs did not cool fast enough or got overcooked. Okay to use them anyway.


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