NEW Mac and Cheese Experimenting

I saw this video and decided to re-tool our favorite but labor intensive mac & cheese.

How to make it less labor intensive? The folks in the video make it look really easy.

We love the original recipe's topping, but here's one adapted to a smaller amount, first made in 2020.

2023 Notes: Cut cheese up and cut up onion and celery ahead of time. Measure out butter for each step. Consider making topping way ahead of time as well. For the seasoning salt, I used the Stonewall Kitchen Chicken & Pork rub, and added a few sprinkles of Salt/Pepper/Garlic.


1/2 stick butter
1/4 onion
1 C bread crumbs
1/2 t seasoning salt
2 T chopped parsley

  1. Chop the onion and parsley. Set aside.
  2. In a large skillet, melt the butter on medium low heat.
  3. Stir in the onion, bread crumbs, seasoning salt, and parsley. 
  4. Using a flat spatula, regularly flip the bread crumb mixture, being sure to turn over the crumbs in order to brown evenly. (Stirring with a spoon doesn't allow for that.) Watch while it cooks to keep it from browning too quickly.
  5. As the bread crumbs begin to brown, they will need more frequent flipping.
  6. After a few  minutes, when bread crumbs are golden brown, remove from heat and place in a medium bowl.

1/2 lb curly noodles
1 T butter, melted


Boil noodles to just before becoming al dente. Drain. Toss with melted butter.

Cheese Sauce

2 T butter (for sautéing the onion & celery)
1 T butter (before adding cheese)
1/2 onion, minced
1 stalk of celery, chopped
2 t yellow mustard (or spicy mustard)
2 T dry mustard
2 t horseradish 
3/4 t seasoning salt
1 T flour
1 C whole milk
5 oz brie cut into pieces without the rind
1/2 lb sharp cheddar, shredded
1/4 C parmesan
1 T butter for the bouillie


1. Preheat oven to 375. 
2. Combine the cheeses in one bowl
3. In the noodle pot, melt the butter and sauté the onion and celery on low until the onion is translucent. Remove from pot.
4. Make a bouillie by adding the milk,  butter, and flour to the pot, whisking constantly to combine over low heat until thickened. It doesn't take long.
5. Whisk in both mustards, horseradish, seasoning salt and whisk to combine and thicken further.
6. Add the onions and celery back. Whisk to combine.
7. Add the cheeses and stir until combined and well melted. At this point, the cheese does not need to be completely melted.

Prepare Mac & Cheese

1 T butter

Add the last T of butter before putting the noodles into the pan and stirring to combine. Place in the baking dish and cover with the topping. Cover dish with foil and bake until bubbly, about 30-40 minutes. Let cool for 5 minutes before serving.


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